THE HEALING HEART OF JESUS A. ENTRANCE HYMN AND EXPOSITION As the priest exposes the Blessed Sacrament on the altar, the people kneel and sing the traditional hymn “O Salutaris Hostia” or any adoration hymn related to the theme of the month. O Salutaris Hostia O salutaris Hostia, Quae caeli pandis ostium: Bella premunt hostilia, Da robur, fer auxilium. Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria, Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. Amen. (or in English) O Saving Victim, Opening Wide O Saving Victim, opening wide The gates of heaven to man below, Our foes press on from every side; Thine aid supply, thy strength bestow To thy great name be endless praise, Immortal Godhead, One in three. Oh, grant us endless length of days In our true native land with thee. Amen. Priest (Leader): In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen. 1. Introduction (all kneel) Priest or Reader: In his life and ministry among people, the Lord Jesus Christ preached the Kingdom and performed wonderful actions, among them deeds of healing that ignited the flame of belief, weakened the onslaught of doubts, and manifested the true heart of God. Today our world needs healing because nations and individuals are riddled with wounds caused by sin, sickness and selfishness. As we gather, let us remember places around the world and in our country where wounds of violence, death, and neglect are calling out for the balm of God’s attention, forgiveness and restoration. In a special way, we pray for the healing power of God on all those who are sick in body and spirit. We believe that God will heal us because His love impels Him to touch us where we are most vulnerable and most needy. The God who healed in the accounts of the Bible is the God who continues to give hope to those who trust in His healing hands. Jesus heals because first, He loves us. This is what gives us confidence to ask in faith and trust. In this Holy Hour, let us turn to Jesus, our Healer and Divine Physician. His Sacred Heart overflows with serenity and calm assurance that those who seek Him will find healing for their afflictions (Is. 53:5), health and newness (Mk 3:5-6), and the renewed strength that enables us to serve  (Lk. 4:39). 2. Praise and Thanksgiving (all kneel) Priest: Let us praise God our Healer and beg Him to extend His hands on our shattered world, wounded bodies, and weak spirits. Our response will be: Lord God, say but the word and we shall be healed. Father, you created the world to enjoy wholeness so that all may come to the knowledge of your generous gift of life, meaning, and purpose. May you be adored and worshiped as the Father who heals his children. (Response) Jesus, Divine Healer, your heart went out to all those who were suffering in body, mind and spirit and you embraced every affliction to show your love. May all praise and worship you as the Word that brings healing. (Response) Spirit, Who Jesus called the Finger of God (Lk 11:20), your power shows forth in recovery of what is lost and restoration of what is broken. May You be adored and glorified as You revive our spirits and energize our bodies. (Response) 3. Prayer for Healing (all rise) Priest: Let us pray for the gift of healing for our selves, our loved ones and all those around us who rely on the miraculous intervention and powerful action of God. God of kindness and mercy, you envisioned a world that is suitable and satisfying for all, a world where laughter and tranquility will reign forever. Our sins through the centuries have unleashed powers that stunt growth, destroy vitality and lead to death. So many people today are suffering due to interrupted growth and wellness. In prayer, we join ourselves to those languishing in pain in hospitals, clinics and homes. We remember those who cannot afford to pay for their treatment and buy their medicines. We lift up to you people who have been declared beyond hope of recovery. Behold their tears and feel their impatience, boredom and fear. We come to you with our many complaints in our bodies due to stress, hardwork, old age or neglect. It is when you heal us that your goodness becomes concrete in our own experience. Your healing is our testimony in favor of your power, but most especially of your compassion. May your Son take our hand and lead us to true life. May your Spirit revive our hope and teach us to trust You at all times. In this Holy Hour, may the Healing Heart of Jesus, give meaning to our pains, inspire us to discover you in adversity and speak to us the Word that makes any ailment flee. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. All: Amen. (a short period of silent adoration) B. CELEBRATION OF THE WORD 1. Praying the Psalms (all seated) Priest/ Leader: Let us now offer to the Lord the praises and supplications of the Psalms. (The psalms may be prayed slowly and meditatively in unison or together, or in choir, meaning alternate reading of the stanzas by those seated on the right and left sides of the assembly, with two readers leading the people. Three psalms are recommended, but the reciting of less than three may be preferred.) PSALM 34 I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall be always in my mouth. My soul will glory in the LORD; let the poor hear and be glad.             Magnify the LORD with me;             and let us exalt his name together.             I sought the LORD, and he answered me,             delivered me from all my fears. Look to him and be radiant, … Continue reading HOLY HOUR/ VIRTUAL VISITA IGLESIA FOR HEALING OF THE WORLD FROM COVID-19: MAUNDY THURSDAY