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Feast of the Santo Niño (the Holy Child Jesus)


Some people never seem to grow old. Sure, they add years to their chronological age, but they seem not to age so fast. We envy them because they have no wrinkles, their skin is smooth as ever and their hairline does not recede. Most of us want to hear it said about us: what is your secret? You’re still as young as ever. This feast of the Santo Nino (Holy Infant Jesus) is the feast of the young but it is not the feast of those who only look-young.

Some people never act old enough for their age. They have gone past childhood and are now ready for life, even already married. But they are still focused on play, on light banter, teasing and jokes. They never get serious with anything. For serious matters, they leave it up to their moms and dads and spouses to decide. Behavior-wise, they enjoy being young. This feast of the Santo Nino is the feast of the young, but surely not the feast of those who only act-young.

Some people never progress in their mentality and attitudes in life. Walking through life, they wallow in immaturity of thoughts and emotions. They earned years in life but all in vain, because they never truly learned how to live. We don’t want to be called such – immature. This feast of the Santo Nino is the feast of the young, but mind you, not of those who only think-young.

Honoring the Sacred Childhood of Jesus is a celebration for the “spiritually young-at-heart.” A glaring lesson of the Incarnation is that the Lord Jesus Christ showed us how to be young, how to be child-like before the Father, how to possess the heart of a child of God.

A child, a young person looks trustingly at his parents. There is admiration, obedience and reverence. Above all, there is a spirit of surrender and trust that his parents will always be there to provide comfort and protection.

Jesus did not remain a child but all his life his heart was that of a child. At the age of 12 he stayed behind in the Temple, announcing subtly that his father was not Joseph the carpenter but the Lord of the Temple. In his preaching, he proclaimed that the real name of God is Father, the one who sent him. He taught his disciples to address God as Father in prayer and life. On the cross, before he breathed his last, he entrusted everything to the Father.

Honoring the Santo Nino reminds us that we are not to rejoice that we look-young, act-young or think and feel young. Rather, we are to strive to be spiritually young-at-heart before the Father in heaven.

Let us allow Jesus to teach us how to love and trust God, surrendering to him all that happens in our lives. Let us celebrate the Eucharist conscious of this and asking to experience more of this relationship with God.