The Body and Blood of Christ

Why do we go to Mass? We go because we are hungry: Hungry for the Word of God that inspires us to live for Jesus; hungry for the Bread that feeds our souls.

After we receive God’s Word, we prepare to receive the nourishment that the Body of Christ brings. As I reflected on the gospel, the message is clear and very enlightening: this Body and Blood leads us to eternal life (Jn 6:54). If we want to live with God, we need to receive the Body of His Son given to us now.

Many Catholics are going to Mass now with a purpose, an understanding of what they are doing. But still we must deepen our faith in the Eucharist to draw from its fountain of blessings. Let me help you with some guidelines.

First, we must PREPARE. We sacrifice for the Mass by fasting one hour before Communion. This show us how important is the spiritual food we are to receive. Then we come to Mass on time. So many people miss the meaning and the blessing of the Mass because they come late. Coming late habitually means that the Mass is not very important in our lives since we do not do it in school, office, meetings or even the movies.

Second, we PARTICIPATE. How? By listening to the prayers, the readings, the homily. When was the last time we truly intently listened? Also by refraining from unnecessary distractions like talking, noise and movements that disturb our focus and other people too. Also, by speaking when it is our turn to address God in prayer, praise and songs.

At Mass we participate with our bodies. Since we are temples of the Holy Spirit, we offer him our selves as we sit, kneel and stand. Unless we are sick, we must observe these gestures properly.

A central part of the Eucharist that shows our participation is when we come to receive the Body of Christ in Communion. Make it a prayerful experience. Say Amen as you receive the Lord, not “thank you”, or “uhummm”, or simply nod. Receive the Lord in the tongue or in hands that are clean and clear of wallets, bags or hankies.

Third, always PRAY. The Eucharist is the highest form of prayer because we are surrounded by the powerful presence of Jesus. Praying does not mean reading or mumbling but being totally present to the Lord. That is why we must be sensitive to the Lord’s presence before, during and after the Mass itself.

That is why we kneel towards the tabernacle as we enter and as we leave the church. That is why we pray in the Adoration Chapel before the Body of Christ. The Mass is prolonged in our sensitivity to Christ as we develop a prayerful heart.

Let us not just come to Mass. Let us truly draw from its riches and enjoy its blessings.