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Sunday – 25

Seek the Lord while he may be found (Is 55:6). Isaiah opens up a great opportunity for his audience and for us all. “Seek the Lord”, he beckons us. This is not such a strange call, for in the heart of every person is a yearning to find the Lord, to be close to Him, to touch base with God and rest assured that one is in God’s firm embrace.

But to seek God entails a process of liberation. Isaiah says we must forsake our evil way and our wicked thoughts and turn to the Lord for mercy, asking for forgiveness. To truly find God one must be ready for conversion. Conversion from selfishness. From pride. From injustice towards neighbor. From lukewarmness to the will of God.

In the second reading, St. Paul yearns to die and be with God in heaven. But he also knows how to be open and realistic. He must offer up his plans and let the Lord take control. So, he says, if God does not want me to die, then ill seek God in living, instead of in dying. Paul is seeking God in the right place – by looking not far or beyond but here and now, where God wills it.

Some people seek for God in devotions to saints and sacred images, like some devotees of Quiapo. But some of these people do not listen to reason, or obey church order, so they in fact destroy the good name of their own devotion. That is a wrong search for God.

Some people seek God in comfort and convenience, say by attending mass, hospitals, theatres. Why? Because the atmosphere is comfortable and more, there is less commitment than if they take part in their own parishes.

You might seek the Lord in the company of friends, classmates and people you just met and yet not find Him in your own family members whom you do ignore even if they are constantly present before you.

Some people seek the Lord in piety and church practice but refuse to find God in the practice of justice an solidarity. The gospel shows us how envy destroys our relationship with God and with one another.

Seeking for God, you don’t have to go far. You have to start where you are. Open your eyes and discover God in your family, in the face of your spouse and children. Open your eyes and see God where your work, however menial or humble it may seem. Discover God in your community, in your parish, in your neighborhood. These may not be perfect, but this is where the real challenge of belonging and service can be exercised.

Seek the Lord while he may be found…. Yes, and I tell you, he is very near!