Easter – 2nd Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
The whole world today is fascinated with this new pope, the Jesuit named Francis. Whether we see in him a grandfather figure, or an adroit pastor, or the church leader we are waiting for, all of us are entranced with him in this honeymoon period of his ministry.
Surely Pope Francis has many things to say to us today. But more than intelligent words, what surprise us are the gestures coming from him.  He celebrated Mass in a small parish church in his first Sunday in office.  He took a simple black car as he visited various sites in the city.  He patrolled the crowds on his installation day, kissing babies and hugging a handicapped man. He washed the feet of youth prisoners, including women and Muslims. 
One of his earliest messages was that of the mercy of Jesus!  And the message was most forcefully delivered because he illustrated it with his own actions of love and humility.
The pope said on his first Sunday Mass homily on the gospel about the adulterous woman: “Jesus has this message for us: mercy. I think – and I say it with humility – that this is the Lord’s most powerful message: mercy.”
Mercy is God’s love in action.  It is God’s love not as theory or doctrine but as truly touching lives, transforming souls, encountering us in our fears and doubts.  Look at the Gospel today, the story of the Doubting Thomas. Jesus appeared to Thomas to help him understand. He did not reprimand him for his weakness.  He drew him closer to himself.  Come and see the wounds.  Come and touch my side. Like a weak little child, Jesus held Thomas by the hand and led him to faith.
This is what makes the mercy of God attractive.  God’s mercy is extended to the sinners like the adulterous woman.  God’s mercy is also given to apostles struggling to believe.  It is God in action, God in practice, God present in the personal encounter.
Who among us here is not a sinner?  Who among us here is not filled with doubts and anxieties?  Remember that the Risen Christ comes to us not to condemn, not to preach, not to reprimand.  He comes to say: come closer and feel my wounds.  Come closer and touch my body.  Come closer and believe again!
Maybe it is God’s mercy you are looking for today.  Open your heart and feel his mercy washing away your sins, removing your doubts, renewing your strength.  The mercy of God endures forever and that means, it includes us in our struggles of faith today.
But after experiencing God’s mercy, can we also allow others to experience our mercy?  Are we ready to forgive?  Are we ready to understand? Are we ready to deal gently with difficult and confused people around us?  Our mercy too, like that of Jesus, endures forever, because it is rooted in God.  Rejoice in Divine Mercy and be merciful as well!