So many people listen to Papa Jack; old people, a lot of young people and even a number of priests, follow his radio program. Papa Jack is one of the most famous DJs in our country. Not only does he play great music; he entertains phone-in questions with down to earth, often hilarious but very practical solutions.
Today many people are confused and burdened with much emotional baggage. They look for someone who will tell them what to do, give them ready help and just be willing to listen to their woes. Many of them turn to Papa Jack or any other variant of psychological help available.
After Jesus’ Resurrection, he told the disciples to wait for the great Divine Gift. Now, we celebrate this Gift of Jesus and of His Father, the Holy Spirit, who after Jesus’ ascension will accompany the disciples in their day-to-day earthly life. More than that, the Spirit actually dwells within our hearts, assuaging our fears and filling us with confidence that we are loved. “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Rom 8:14).
We may not see the Holy Spirit, nor hear Him, nor touch Him now. But if we are receptive and sensitive, we will experience, know and feel His infinite love. In an age of too many wars, discord and noise around us, and too much restlessness and upheavals within our hearts, the Holy Spirit is the God Who speaks to us and brings us true and soothing peace.
In the past days, I was swamped with so many concerns both personal and work-related. There were just so many issues that needed to be resolved or at least confronted. Like many of my parishioners, I too experienced anxiety and uncertainty. Realizing that the novena to the Holy Spirit has started, I turned to the Him in prayer. As usual, He never disappoints. Even in the darkness I know that God is taking me by the hand, listening and leading me into light.
How often do we seek the Papa Jack who will listen to us and enlighten us with wise instructions. Who or what is your Papa Jack today? Where do you turn to in order to drown your pains and sorrows? Television, radio, cell phone, computer, liquor, gambling, etc? While these can give relief, the respite is temporary and the problems will re-surface to plague us again and again.
Today, we receive from Jesus the Holy Spirit, our God-Consoler and God-Friend. With the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we are always in the presence of Jesus. “He will teach you all things and remind you of all that I told you” (Jn 14:26). He does not merely distract us from our concerns or offer superficial cures to our pains. The Holy Spirit fills us with confidence that God listens to His children. The Holy Spirit takes us by the hand and leads us to the right path.
If there is one voice we need to listen to each day, and especially as we go through tough times, it is this voice of the Gift given us on Pentecost, the voice of the Holy Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, our Consoler and Friend!
Holy Spirit Novena
Dearest Holy Spirit, confiding in Your deep, personal love for me, I am making this novena for the following request, if it be Your Holy Will to grant it:
(mention your request).
Teach me, Divine Spirit, to know and seek my last end; grant me the holy fear of God; grant me true contrition and patience.
Do not let me fall into sin. Give me an increase of faith, hope and charity, and bring forth in my soul all the virtues proper to my state in life.
Make me a faithful disciple of Jesus and an obedient child of the Church. Give me efficacious grace sufficient to keep the Commandments and to receive the Sacraments worthily.
Give me the four Cardinal Virtues, Your Seven Gifts, Your Twelve Fruits.
Raise me to perfection in the state of life to which You have called me and lead me through a happy death to everlasting life.
I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.