One of the most moving parts of any Sunday Mass in the Philippines is the moment we all sing the Lord’s Prayer.  Unlike in other countries, we do not merely recite this prayer; we love to sing it.  We sing it with gusto.  We sing it with emotion. 
Notice that in the Mass, there may be young men who seem indifferent and almost impatient by the door to just go home.  Or there may be seatmates in the pew oblivious to the world around them. Or there may be children mindlessly going through the motions of worship.  But when they hear the priest’s invitation for the Lord’s Prayer, all eyes look at the altar, hands reach out to their neighbors and voices belt out the enthusiastic melody.
What brings together the congregation in this oneness of mind and heart as they prayerfully sing? I believe that two things are happening here. First, we are drawn together by a feeling that God is with us.  He is our Father and we belong to him. We have one Father, the Father in heaven whom Jesus shares with us in this prayer of confidence. 
While most of the week, we go about our daily tasks centered on ourselves alone, at Mass, Jesus gathers us as one family of the heavenly Father. Thus we are united in a deeper way, in a spiritual way, in what is called communion.  It isn’t just a feeling, though, since it is a reality and must become a conviction.
Our one Father in heaven gives us the bread we need, forgives us our sins, prevents us from falling into temptation and delivers us from all harm and evil. 
Second, during the Lord’s Prayer, we grow in awareness that as we belong to God, we also belong to each other.  Think about it, we don’t come from the same families and we don’t share the same genes, looks, temperaments and outlooks. But we are brothers and sisters.
As we hold hands, and we Filipinos love to hold hands in prayer, we feel the support of the person next to us. We feel the warmth of another human being ready to be with us.  But again, this should not be merely symbolic. Do we really believe we are brothers and sisters to one another?
After Mass, knowing God’s fatherly goodness to us, do we express his love to each other?  As we receive our daily bread from him, do we also give others the bread they need?  As we are forgiven, are we willing also to forgive?  As our Father protects us from falling, do we assist those who are weak among us?  As God delivers us from evil, do we also wish only good to happen to others?
As Catholics, remember that our prayer reflects our life.  We hold hands; we sing out; we utter the words.  But the real test that we are indeed affected by the Lord’s Prayer is when we live as children of God, loving and supporting one another in everyday life.