The Word of God delivers to us today a message of humility.  If there is one quality of the heart that God seeks in any person and which God approves in every man, it is humility. Sirach 3 assures us that people appreciate the humble. But the writer stresses even more: “Humble yourself the more, the greater you are and you will find favor with God.”
Humility is not a famous trait today.  It is misunderstood and therefore not desired in a society that focuses on competition and excellence.  And those who realize its worth struggle to live its demands. Do we still teach children and young people to be humble? When was the last time you were humble?
The gospel of Luke (Chapter14) clarifies what humility is in the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ.  For Jesus, humility resides in two places:  the head and the heart. First, in our head, Jesus tells us to value ourselves rightly.  Humility is not debasing oneself or falsely limiting our capacity.  In our mind we must accept that we are important men and women, regardless of status, achievement or origin, because God our Father loves us all equally.
In our mind too, we must accept who we are and not pretend to be what we are not.  Jesus’ parable tells us of people who want to sit in places not reserved for them, usurping a position they don’t deserve. If you are not the star of the show, then don’t steal the show. If you are not meant to stand on the stage, don’t even climb the stairs. Know your place, as military men and women do.  Your time will come.  Or maybe your time has passed.  Learn to accept yourself in the right way and be satisfied. That is humility.
Second, in our heart, Jesus invites us to love the poor and the lowly.  We may be simple people, ordinary folks, but it does not mean that we are already humble.  Naturally, we are drawn to people above our class.  We want to associate with those who are higher.  Or we want to confine ourselves to the comfort zone of our group or “class.” But we also instinctively avoid those who are needy and disadvantaged in society.
Humility is not just a shining personal trait of an unassuming person. Humility goes out of itself, affects others, and involves itself in the uplift of others. A truly humble person looks for opportunities to serve as Jesus outlines: “Invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.”  Humility is not a passive, but an active Christian virtue.
Jesus is the epitome of humility. Though he was himself God, he did nothing to overshadow the influence of his Father but emptied himself (Phil 2); he gave glory not to himself but to the Father he loved and served.  In his life, he truly embraced those who are poor and suffering with a love that was proved by total sacrifice on the cross.
In your mind (attitudes) and in your heart (actions), do you see the humility of Jesus at work?