Yes, there is a place waiting for us in heaven, as Jesus assures us in today’s gospel (Jn 14: 1-12).
Yes, it is the Lord himself who will prepare this place for us, as he promised also in this gospel. Such an assuring and encouraging promise!
And here comes Thomas with the practical question. Remember that last week’s gospel showed Thomas worrying how to believe when in fact he has not seen proof: unless I see… I will not believe! But as soon as he sees the sign, the practical side of him turns into faith: My Lord and my God!
Today, Thomas is again asking his practical questions. He does not doubt the place reserved for him in heaven, nor Jesus’ serious preparation for him to get there. but his question now is: how to get there. “How can we know the way?” that is the hidden question in our hearts too. And thanks to St. Thomas, he has spoken that in our behalf.
The Lord Jesus patiently guides Thomas and the disciples to the way. “I am the way, and the truth and the life.” The way is not a prescribed mode of acting, or speaking or behaving. The way is Jesus himself, a meaningful and life-changing relationship with him.
Easter points us to Jesus in ways unheard of before. With the Resurrection, Jesus is the way to the Father, the way to forgiveness, the way to peace, the way to reconciliation and unity with God. He is also the way to find ourselves in each other’s hearts. For Christian across the centuries, there is no other way than the way given by the Father and confirmed by the Holy Spirit – Jesus.
Easter then is an invitation to explore this way outlined by the gospel. It is a time to review our own journey with Jesus. How do we know him? How do we love him? How do we follow him?
In prayer and sacraments, in the Scriptures and in the Church, in service of others, in our daily, routinary and silent discipleship and even in suffering, do we discover the Lord more and more?
Recently, a great American spiritual writer wrote a book on Jesus – not as a biblical or historical scholar – based on his relationship with the Lord. We may not be able to write another book but it pays to take a serious look at how our relationship with the Lord has truly made an impact on our lives.
There is no more practical way to live Easter than to look again at the Lord and examine our relationship with him. Let us make Easter a review of our life’s journey with the Lord.