Say to the fearful: “Peace be with you.” Say to the sorrowing: “Peace be with you.” Whisper to the suffering: “Peace be with you.” Tell the battered and fatigued: “Peace be with you.”
These are just the right words, the most comforting words in the midst of life’s trials and difficulties. And these are the powerful, gentle words of Jesus after the Resurrection. These are also effective words, that once spoken by the Lord, they produce calmness and assurance.
Look at how the apostles are filled with joy. Notice how the disciples emerged into the light. See how Thomas himself regains his faith and surrenders his doubts to the winds. The peace of Jesus is effective, strong and powerful. The peace of Jesus is His gift at Easter, the gift we need most to hear and experience.
Why is the peace of Jesus powerful? It is because it comes from his heart, his merciful heart. Jesus comes to forgive the apostles for their cowardice. Jesus assures His disciples that He is on their side. Jesus tells them it is all right to leave their hiding place and face the world with joy.
Peace happens when we know that we receive mercy instead of reprimand, when we are forgiven rather than judged, when we are treated as brothers and sisters rather than as outcast, when we are allowed to touch the body of Jesus and feel His pulse flow through our own skin, veins, hearts and souls.
Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the second Sunday of Easter as the Sunday of Divine Mercy. God is love and God is justice, but when God meets us sinners, He is definitely mercy – the mercy of a Father, the mercy of a Brother, the mercy of a Friend.
Today too, we join the heavenly rejoicing as we proclaim two new saints who made us feel the mercy of God despite their lofty stature and high position. Pope John XXIII was the humble, grandfatherly figure who brought the Church closer to the world. Pope John Paul II was the unforgettable pope of our times who touched our hearts with enduring images of love and compassion. Now they are saints we venerate on the altars of the Church.
On this Sunday of Mercy, let us ask the Lord to fill us with His peace, at a time when troubles around us abound. Let us ask the Risen Jesus to make us instruments of peace to the people who need to hear this message of hope and strength again.