Waiting brings about different reactions.
Some wait in boredom. Some wait full of apprehensions. Some wait in anger. There are even those who have been traumatized by long and fruitless waiting.
Advent is a period of waiting, but certainly a lot different than our ordinary experiences of waiting in life.
Advent is waiting for God, waiting to see his power unfold, waiting to meet him who bends to embrace his children in love.
So for a Christian, the waiting of Advent is full of excitement, of great anticipation, of joy. Yes, even if we wait in pain and sorrow because of life’s toils and troubles, we still manage to wait full of hope because it is God who will come to meet us. And God has always something good and new and beautiful to offer.
I was walking along a busy highway when I saw a small boy standing in their house’s porch giggling, jumping and smiling at something at the other side of the road. I followed his gaze and I saw a man, surely the boy’s father, who for his part, while trying to cross the street, was also smiling and waving to his excited son. Maybe the boy was waiting all afternoon for his dad, and how happy he was to see that he is very near, that he is almost home.
Are you still excited about Christmas? Does the spirit of Advent still fill you with an excitement to welcome the Lord in your life? What are you really waiting for in life? Is God part of what you expect?
Lord, give me the grace of being excited to meet you and find you in this season.