We believe in the “healing touch.” Jesus practiced healing by laying his hands on sick people. He ministered by gently touching the possessed, by embracing the dispossessed. Here is a God who was not hesitant to come close to his people.
In the gospel, what I find amusing is the other “healing touch” here described. The sick woman also “touched” the end of Jesus’ robe. I believe this is also a healing touch. When the woman did what she did, power flowed into her life from its source, the Lord.
In some way, Jairus, the father of the sick girl, also touched Jesus, touched his heart. When he came to plead for help, he touched the Lord even before Jesus touched his daughter and raised her to new life.
Yes, Jesus touches us. But the Good News is that we can also touch the Lord! When we approach him, pray to him, listen to him, beg him, follow him, we are touching God. What is there in that touch? There is faith, conviction, belief, trust and confidence in his love for us.
By “touching” Jesus, we say: Lord, I believe in you! You alone can help me now! Make me whole again. Listen to my prayer. Come to my life!
We see so many Catholics touching and wiping and kissing holy images in church. But the real essence of this touch is in the faith that puts our lives at the disposal of God.
This week, let us not be afraid to touch the Lord. He wants to touch us too. let us shake off our fear, our shame, our hesitation, our doubts. Just reach out in faith and receive the power that heals, as the woman felt, and the power that raises to new life, as the young girl powerfully experienced.