It’s advent again… and what a season! This is the season to wait. Practically, we are waiting for something exciting. We feel that Christmas is just around the corner and daily in Eat Bulaga noontime show, 3-year old Baeby Baste shouts the countdown: 46 days before Christmas!
But Advent is not just waiting for a special day, a religious, cultural or family feast (which Christmas has become for many of us). Advent is waiting for Christ the Lord to come into our lives and into our world. today more than ever, we need Jesus to come and visit our world, to renew our shattered lives, to repair what was destroyed and to restore lost hope.
Are you seriously waiting for Jesus? Or do you think you already have him in full that waiting is not needed?  Or do you feel that he has already conquered all so that waiting is just plain useless to you?  whatever you feel inside of you, the fact is many people are still waiting for Jesus… and they are waiting not in comfort but in pain.
The terminally ill patient is waiting for the Angel from heaven to bring him home to peace and rest. The overseas worker is waiting for the chance to hug his spouse and kids again. The elderly mother is waiting for his son to be released from rehab center or from jail. The young man waits for the potential employer’s call to report for duty.
Are you too, waiting for something or for someone? In your heart, what do you want God to do for you in this season? Or for you family perhaps?
This is not an easy waiting. For many there is pain, impatience, fear and tiredness. Only Jesus fully understands how each of us waits in the dark and cold. This was the reason he came 2000 years ago. This is the reason he will come again to fulfill his promises to those who wait.
Come, Lord and rescue us from the burden of waiting…