The gospel today tells us of a life-changing incident for Peter and the other disciples. Fishing the whole night, their efforts met with frustrating results – no luck, no fish in the ocean. The waiting, the energy, the expectation – all proved futile in bringing home a bounty. Then their boat was borrowed by a preacher who wanted to use it for his pulpit.

Jesus, joining them in the boat and after preaching to the crowds, showed gratitude to the fishermen by wanting to help. He gave them a surprising instruction to return to the fruitless sea and start fishing again.

It was then that Peter, seeing things in the natural way, explained that they have just done that and there was nothing to be caught.  Jesus, seeing things in the supernatural, commanded him to just lower the nets. 

Peter must have been shocked to receive instructions from a carpenter turned preacher. He was the expert fisherman! But maybe shaking his head, he obeyed. That obedience was rewarded with the miraculous catch Peter has never seen before!
Again, Peter seeing things in the natural, approached Jesus and begged him to depart from him for he was a sinner. He was filled with fear, with shame, and with awe. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him who was so unworthy.

But Jesus seeing the supernatural, assured Peter that there was nothing to be afraid of. He told Peter to prepare to be catching more than fish. He would have a mission to fulfill – to catch men and women for the Kingdom of God.

Many times, when we are in situations of distress, we tend to focus only on the natural, the practical, the plain and simple facts. We fail to dream of the light at the end of the tunnel. We lose our sense of hope. We believe that we have failed.

If we listen to Jesus, we will hear him direct our attention to the supernatural! Look up and expect a blessing.  Open your heart and let the Spirit fill you with his power! Focus on the dream again because God has a better plan.  Jesus does not remove the natural but affirms that the supernatural can overcome the natural.

Are you deep in difficulties that you only see the natural? Do you only feel the limitations of your life today?  As we read the gospel again, focus on Jesus, the Master of the impossible, the one who can bring the supernatural real to us today!

ps. this coming wednesday is ash wednesday. and next sunday is the first sunday of lent. we have an early holy week this year.  God bless!