We need to accept the fact that at times, we discover that our faith is really small. Just as we think that our faith is robust, comes a problem, a concern, or a difficulty that shakes us from our foundation and threatens the root of our existence. Challenges and trials in life always strike at the faith of a Christian.
Maybe this is the reason why in the gospel (Lk 17:5ff) the earnest request of the disciples to the Lord was: Lord increase our faith. And this is why this prayer is echoed on the lips of so many each day: Lord increase my faith for I am going through a trying relationship, a terrible sickness, anxieties over the future, a sense of abandonment and confusion, a lack of security for the future. Lord increase my faith!
Only God can increase our faith! But the Lord also gives us the chance to participate in the active growth of our faith. He did not say: “Ok I will increase it!” And magically, faith blossoms! Instead, the Lord Jesus said, even if your faith is as small as a mustard seed (that’s very tiny), you can make miracles happen! What does it mean? It means that the way to increase faith, aside from praying for it, is to put faith into action!
Believe! Walk in trust! Claim your miracle and it will be yours! If all you do is pray or wish or ask but you never exercise your small faith, it will not grow. Are you praying for something today? Do you want God to help you reach your dreams? Is there anything that your heart truly desires, in the midst of all your present dilemmas?
With your small faith, say to this problem, this obstacle, this sickness, this enemy, this concern – move away from me and be transplanted elsewhere! And it will – that’s the Lord’s promise!