

A friend called me the other day upon arriving for his vacation from his work in the Middle East. He related to me the story of his struggles while he was starting there. I never knew how much he suffered.

When his first contract expired he joined many workmates to a neighboring island while they awaited the renewal of their contract. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. They received no call from their employer. Some have decided to return home. Some resolved to wait still more. Meanwhile, he used up all his savings. One of his companions committed suicide. Others sank into depression and almost lost their minds.

My friend suffered with his companions and his pain was great. Thankfully he held on to prayer. He joined a group of people who come together to pray and study the Bible. His faith was shaken and tried and many times he almost skipped his prayers and his bible group. But by the grace of God, he brought his sufferings to the Lord, crying out to him night and day. One day, he received a call from his employer asking him to come back. Now he works for another company and is very content with his job and above all, with his new-found faith in the God who hears the prayers of the suffering.

The gospel (Lk 18:1-8) tells us: “Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them?” God is only asking one thing, and it is not easy – not to lose faith while we wait: “But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

One of the most beautiful prayer experiences we can ever have is through the prayerful reading of the Word of God, the Bible. The second reading (2 Tim 3) tells us how powerful is the Word of God for our present struggles and how much we need it to grow in faith.

Are you in the midst of a great trial? Pray for a stronger, deeper faith and never lose your grip on the hands of our merciful and loving Lord. Pick up the Bible, read and pray. In your weakness, be nourished back to hope and faith through the Word of the Lord.