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At the start of Lent, a priest shared that perhaps, Lent 2020 to Lent 2021, should be designated our “national” Lent. This period signified for all of us personal, financial, family, and national tragedies because of the pandemic. We have suffered for so long and still we do not know when this worldwide challenge will end. My immediate reaction to the suggestion was a big question mark! Lent is not our destiny; we pass through it so that we can celebrate the Resurrection.


Today, once again, our faith calls us to rejoice at the most important event of all, Jesus’ triumph over the forces of death, destruction, and sin. The cross could not hold Jesus for more than just a few hours; the tomb could not swallow him for more than just three days. God’s love is more powerful than any seen or unseen malignant force in the world and in our lives. His mercy triumphs! His forgiveness brings new life! We are born to celebrate new life – even if it means living it in the new normal.


My cousin’s wife reminded me lately that in mid-March of last year her husband, my first cousin, contacted Covid, was hospitalized, intubated and sedated  for very long, and finally, defied death when he left the hospital after a full 60 days. A friend called one day to share how a recent heartbreak resulted in his rediscovery of his vocation, and that he would soon be ordained a priest. The father of a child who died confided that though his child is already in heaven, the ordeal of his illness brought him and his family closer to the Lord in faith and hope.


This is what Easter is all about. It is light emerging from the shadows, light piercing through the darkness, smiles from weary faces, standing up from every fall, reclaiming faith in the most trying times, discovering mercy and forgiveness after every sin, hoping and refusing to despair. Easter is rising again from the experience of the cross and the dark tomb. If life were all success, comfort, riches, health and wholeness, the resurrection will not be experienced at all.


We do not need a “national” Lent. With God, whatever life throws at us, we can have a “daily” Easter day! What is your Easter experience this year? Thank the Lord Jesus for it and hold on to it as the promise of your new life! Finally, share joy and hope to others who are still on the road to finding their Easter experience.





Pls share with a friend… thanks to the internet for the photo above.