LK 14; 25-33
A man dreamt that he was carrying a huge cross on his shoulder. As he walked, the cross became heavier. So he stopped, took a saw and started cutting a small part at the end of the cross. Each time he felt the cross got heavy, he stopped and cut off portions of the cross. At last, it was light and manageable. But the road he was following came to a ravine. As he wondered how to get to the other side, a voice said to him. “Use your cross as a bridge to get to the other side and continue on your path.” The man looked at his shortened cross and knew he wouldn’t make it through.
Today we encounter a strong message from the Lord. Who can follow Jesus except the one who takes up his cross and follows him on the road of life? While we enjoy the inspirational, uplifting and joyful gospel messages, this teaching is one we rarely reflect on. In fact, we pray harder each day to be rid of the cross, of anything that would make our daily life a burden and a hardship.
What does it mean to take up your cross? The Lord Jesus does not say to us “take up a cross” or “take up that cross.” He already points to “your” cross. This means that the thing we need to confront and embrace is not far from us but already within our very lives.
Some people have health crosses; others have financial crosses; others have psychological crosses; and some have spiritual crosses; still for some it can be relational crosses that are already in their lives. Of course, sometimes the Lord inspires us to help others with their problems and difficulties, but we must remember that the first thing we need to carry is our ownweakness, sin, struggle or problem. And this is tough because we would rather help others than to be reminded we have to deal with our own pain, too.
Why do we have to carry our cross? Why can’t we just cast it aside and pretend that life is blissful and comfortable? The Lord makes it clear in the gospel that our own cross is our investment in life. It is like the foundation upon which construction workers build an edifice. It is like the great army that a king employs in his service to wage a war and win against the enemy. Each cross has a reason for being there. While we cannot all see it now, one day the Lord will make it clear to us. Our cross, united with the Lord, will be part of our salvation.
In silence, identify your cross today. In humility, offer it to the Lord, even with tears in your eyes. In openness, accept its pain, its demands, its sacrifices. In trust, ask the Lord to give you strength to carry it. In hope, unite it with the One who already hangs on the Saving Cross for love of you!