LK 18: 1-8



My friend was being prepared for promotion in his company. Then his boss started reporting negative things about him to the upper management. It was not because he was doing bad at work. It was simply because of envy.


In defending himself, my friend opted not to hire lawyers to help him. Instead he confronted the charges against him alone and armed only with his clean record in the company where he has invested most of his professional life. He believes that God will help him because his conscience was clear.


The Lord Jesus speaks about justice in the gospel today. He explains how God will deliver justice speedily to those who trust in him. But still, in the world today, why do we encounter countless instances of unfair treatment and advantage over the weak and the poor?


In today’s world, there seems to be no justice for those who have no connection, no money, and no influence to throw around. In the gospel, the judge at least renders a just decision because of the woman’s persistence and in order to have his own peace of mind. For many people, justice is delayed, and therefore, as we say, it is denied.


God alone is the truly just one. His justice does not consist of revenge or violence or fear. The Bible shows that God’s justice is his mercy. He reforms people. He corrects what is damaged. He transforms hearts. He renews his creation with his love. The Blessed Virgin Mary extols God’s justice in her Magnificat: he lifts up the lowly… he fills the hungry with good things… he helps the poor among his people.


Many times, the world’s justice is delayed, denied and skewed. But there is such a thing as divine justice. It may be slow in coming, but when it does, it is sweeter than anything else. It is God’s hand of mercy correcting situations of human error and sin. This is the justice the Lord Jesus wants us to pray for and to do so without getting tired or impatient. Keep the faith!