MT. 13: 24-43

I remember a conversation I had with a friend a long time ago. He wondered whether there was really a heaven waiting for those who strive to live according to the Gospel. And if there was none such thing, he said, we Christians would be wasting a lot of chance on earth to enjoy everything and just be happy!

It is not far-fetched to ruminate on thoughts like this specially when we see what the parable of Jesus describes happening around us. “Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where have the weeds come from?” If God is the source of all goodness, then why are there bad people on this earth? Why do they have all the fun, enjoyment and pleasures? Why are good people prevented from experiencing all that seems to be good in this life? Why the sacrifice?

But to think like this will be to become narrow-minded and limited in perspective. It will force us to merely focus on the present, the material, and the ephemeral or passing things. We will only see the what is going on around us today. We will only appreciate material benefits and advantages. We will only concentrate on the obviously perishable elements of daily life.  And the fact is there is so much more than all these.

We do not only live for the present since there is a future that waits beyond the horizon. We are not only satisfied with material things since the heart longs for deeper and more profound things. We cannot cling to anything at all in this world – status, honor, riches, health, beauty – because all things come to an end.

People who strive to follow the Lord Jesus, in spite of the hardships and challenges, know a deep secret in their heart. At harvest time, when all of us will stand before the Lord and make a reckoning of our actions, thoughts and words, there will be something special that awaits those who remain faithful. “Collect the weeds… for burning but gather the wheat into my barn.” Even in this life we see how evil brings upon itself its own punishment and goodness attracts to itself peace, joy and fulfillment.

It remains a mystery why in the heart of God, he allows both goodness and evil to exist. But for those who love God, sin and evil are not options for they will not stand the test at the final day. But every good that we do has a life of its own, that not only spreads on this world, but rises up to heaven. We do not envy the wicked; we cling to the joys of the things that last.

Ourparishpriest 2023