MT. 18: 21-35
First, you shall not forgive if you think that you are perfect, for perfect people don’t make mistakes. They are flawless and blameless. They expect people to rise to their standards. It is hard for them to forgive others who fail or sin because they do not know how to experience these in themselves (at least, that is what they say!). Second, you shall not forgive if you like carrying emotional and spiritual baggage in your heart and mind. Some feel that bearing grudges gives them an advantage over others, making them feel superior, and making others fear and avoid them. Third, you shall not forgive if you think you don’t need God in your life, nor believe his words. And why should you, when you are in fact, as already said, perfect? You may be better than God who forgives each person at every moment (except you, since there is nothing to forgive in you, right?). But you, you may want to hold on to anger, hatred or vengeance than peace, reconciliation, and harmony. Perhaps you are sure too, that there is no obstacle or blockade that will delay your entry into heaven when you die. So, if you are any of these, then you shall not forgive, if that is what makes you happy!
Do you want to listen to Jesus’ words on forgiveness? Do you want to be freed from the prison of past pain and past hurts caused by people or events? Do you want Jesus to touch your heart and heal, restore, and revive your lost joy and peace of mind? Do you want to be forgiven when you meet Jesus at the door of heaven on the day of judgement? Then, ask for the grace to forgive so that you too may be forgiven. Ourparishpriest 2023