MT 25: 1-13


As we approach the conclusion of each liturgical year, we are prompted to contemplate the arrival of the “end”… the end of life, the end of time. I recall a priest friend who expressed frustration over his parishioners’ perception that the end only unfolds on one’s deathbed—when the sick or elderly can no longer speak, when their gaze is fixed, when their bodies lie still, and they are on the brink of their final breath. In today’s Gospel, it’s emphasized that no one knows the day or hour when the end will arrive. Therefore, the counsel is to be prepared, much like the five virgins who had their lamps filled with oil.

Today, there are many misconceptions and jokes surrounding the concept of virginity. Virginity transcends physical integrity alone. St. Basil once said that he knew no women, but he was not a virgin. He clearly meant that even though he had not engaged in physical relations, his mind and heart were not immune to daily temptations.

The readings portray virginity as the wisdom of the prudent, those who eagerly await the Lord (first reading). Virginity embodies the faith of disciples who believe in their own resurrection when the Lord returns (second reading). The image of the virgin signifies an unmarried person, as their heart is reserved for something greater. Their life is centered on waiting, not for Mr. Right or Ms. Right, but for the Perfectly Right!

Faithfulness to Christ and devotion to Him, every day and not postponed, represent the essence of spiritual virginity amidst a corrupt world.


Waiting for the unknown is indeed a challenging and profound trial. However, we know whom we are waiting for—God. Therefore, we endeavor to find Him in all things, events, and people every day, not just at our deathbed. Only if our hearts are wholly dedicated to Him, like a faithful virgin, will we be ready when the time comes for Him to call us. Let us pray that we are found standing at attention with our lamps burning brightly.

“Let us pray daily for peace in our hearts, in our country, and in the world, esp. in the Middle East, Ukraine, and in other parts of the world in volatile situations. Lord, grant us Your peace! Amen.”