JN 1:6-8, 19-28


I would like to imagine a playful John the Baptist teasingly responding to the Pharisees’ questions: “Are you the Christ? Or Elijah? Or the Prophet?” John seems to retort, “No, try again… No, try a bit harder… No, any more guesses?” While denying all these identities, he is actually telling the truth, but John cannot hide his excitement. He exclaims, “I’m just the voice; the Word is coming soon.” He continues, “I baptize for repentance, and the baptism of new life is about to happen!” Lastly, he humbly states, “I am a servant unfit to untie his sandals; someone greater is already among you!” Indeed, John’s job was to prepare the way of the Lord, and he is elated and thrilled with the mission entrusted to him.

John was excited for the arrival of Jesus, and he hadn’t even met Him yet! As Catholics, we have already encountered the Lord. We come across the Lord Jesus multiple times in our lives as believers, through the sacraments, the Bible, prayer and adoration, our devotions, and in the life of the Church. However, how enthusiastic are we about meeting Him again and again? It is disheartening when Christians regard Jesus as a distant memory, merely an idea from the past, or an impersonal God who does not think of us. Perhaps it is beneficial to rediscover the reality of Jesus through the experience of John the Baptist – the God who comes to meet us, to save us, to love us, and to accept us for who we are! May we be infused with the infectious spirit of childlike and trusting faith, joy, and excitement to encounter the Lord!


What excites you the most about Christmas? The parties, gifts, guests, or reunions? Examine your heart and see if there is a genuine desire to draw closer to the Lord, to open your heart, and offer your life to Him. If we are enthusiastic about His coming, imagine how much more excited He is to share His love with us!

ourparishpriest 2023

Please continue to pray for peace and for an end to all the wars on earth. LET US PRAY FOR PEACE IN MARAWI AND IN THE ENTIRE PHILIPPINES!