WOMAN… FULL OF GRACE (Lk 2: 16-21)


The genealogy or list of ancestors of Jesus in Matthew is a very interesting one. It is the lineage of Abraham. It is also the lineage of David. It speaks of known and heroic men, but also of unknown or notorious ones. And when it speaks of the women ancestors, the one you least expect are the ones that are mentioned. No mention of Sarah, Rebekah, Leah and Rachel, the revered matriarchs. Instead, we find Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Uriah’s wife, who were either foreigners or with tainted past. Through their eyes we see that our history of faith is not of valor and dignity, but one of grace and mercy of the Lord. It is not human triumph and perfection but God’s direct intervention.

Most of all, the list culminates in a woman named Mary, a clear break from the others. She is a virgin, a holy one, a daughter of Israel, the chosen one. The real human ancestor of the Son of God, is not from the ranks of men, but from this woman. That she is made Mother of God’s Son, Mother of the Redeemer, has nothing to do with her purity or greatness. It Was anchored on her humility, simplicity and availability to God, her “Yes, Lord,” her “Fiat,” to the Archangel Gabriel’s voice.

As celebrate Mary’s motherhood, we are invited not to look at her with adulation and admiration. We are not invited to give her gifts of crowns and gems. We are not asked to proclaim great titles. We are simply invited to enter into her attitude, her character, her heart – “Let it be done to me according to your word.”


As we deepen our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we not be entranced by external fanfare and attachments to pride and honor. Let us pray with her to be given the grace of hearts full of humility and obedience to the God who calls us to share his Son to others each day. Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us! Happy New Year everyone! May Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, be our companion this year and always… now and at the hour of our death…